Friday, May 18, 2012

Create Page Number Different Format In One File Ms. Word 2007

Read The Indonesian Version
In the past when I make a proposal regarding the final project. I was looking on the internet about how to create different page number format. The first numeral and the second decimal. Finally I found the article "Menyisipkan Format Nomor Halaman yang Berbeda dalam Satu File Word 2007" on Arihdya Caesar's Blog. Here are the steps by step that I do from the reference article
  1. Open your file that will be given page number
  2. Give the page with the roman numeral format on all pages "Insert->Page Number->Format Page Number", on Number Format choose the roman numeral then press OK

  3. Set Page Number depend on the Bottom of Page, actually up to you to put where depends on your taste
  4. Next specify on the number of pages will placed the decimal numbers. In this case I chose the sixth pages as the first of decimal.
  5. Place the kursor in front of the first letter, and then choose menu Page Layout->Breaks->Next Page

  6. For the next step do do step number 2, this time change Page Number Format to number 1, 2, 3,...
  7. And see the results on the sixth Page Number Format turn into decimal number.
  8. To set the "sixth" into "first" Double klick on "4"->select Page Number Format set Page Numbering->Start at fill with "1" and see the "6" turn into "1".


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