Thursday, May 17, 2012

Create Table of Content Using Ms. Office 2007

Read The Indonesian Version

A table of contents, is a list of the parts of a book or document organized in the order in which the parts appear. The contents usually includes the titles or descriptions of the first-level headers, such as chapter titles in longer works, and often includes second-level or section titles within the chapters as well, and occasionally even third-level titles. The depth of detail in tables of contents depends on the length of the work, with longer works having less. The table of contents usually appears after the title page, copyright notices, and, in technical journals, the abstract; and before any lists of tables or figures, the foreword, and the preface. How do We make it?. We just practice how to make a clean table of contents using Tab and Ruler
  1. Prepared Ms. Office 2007
  2. Open Ms. Word, if you first use the Ms. Word, you must enable Ruler . Located at view menu and check the Ruler
  3. Next type all the points - points that will be placed in the table of contents, such as: Title of page, Abstract, Certification Sheet, Chapter I, Chapter II, etc.

  4. Block all typed list of contents and click on the ruler right on the far right position, or whatever you like. when you already have a tab mark. double click the sign.

  5. After the Tab Form appears, Change the settings as shown below

  6. When finished click OK, and use the tab to fill the page. place the cursor at the position at the end of every sentence, press Tab on the keyboard and automatically point will be formed by itself, and so will type at page where the points are located.
**Good luck**
    Ref :


    rumahkomik May 30, 2012 at 6:11 PM

    kalau membuat border yang kayak undangan gmn ya gan?

    Unknown June 2, 2012 at 4:06 AM

    Klo ntuh biasa pakek Corel Draw gan, klo masalah Corel Draw ane kurang paham.

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